HM International Holdings Limited informed that based on the preliminary review of the unaudited consolidated management accounts of the group for the year ended December 31, 2020 due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19) epidemic, the group has faced delays and cancellations of certain projects during the reporting period, thus, the group is expected to record an 8.7% decrease in revenue to approximately HKD 119.1 million from HKD 130.5 million during the year ended December 31, 2019. Furthermore, due to the increase in direct costs in operations such as staff costs, gross profit for the Reporting Period is expected to decrease by approximately 26.2% to HKD 43.2 million from HKD 58.5 million during the corresponding period. Moreover, additional impairment losses on trade receivables of approximately HKD 3.1 million was provided as at the end of the reporting period. As a result, the company expects to record an unaudited loss for the Reporting Period of approximately HKD 5.6 million versus the audited profit of HKD 2.5 million in the corresponding period.