Hengyang Petrochemical Logistics Limited announced the resignation of Mr. Diong Tai Pew as Non-Executive, Lead Independent Director. Job Title: Lead Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Member of the Remuneration Committee, Member of the Nominating Committee. Other Director Ships Past: SIG Gases Berhad V.S. Industry Berhad VS International Group Ltd. Reason for Cessation: Mr. Diong Tai Pew ("Mr. Diong") has been with the Company for more than 9 years since his appointment as a Lead Independent Director of the Company.

In view of the nine-year tenure limit for independent directors prescribed under the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited Listing Manual Section B: Rules of Catalist, Mr. Diong has decided to step down and resign to facilitate board renewal. Following Mr. Diong's resignation, Mr. Diong will cease to be the Chairman of the Audit Committee, and a member of the Remuneration Committee and Nominating Committee.