
8 February 2013


Realisation Strategy Update

In the circular to Shareholders dated 8 November 2012 relating to the Third
Tender Offer, the Chairman stated that the Board would like to be able to
propose the voluntary liquidation of the Company as early as practicable in
2013, but that the timing would depend on realisations in the remainder of the
invested portfolio.

On 1 February 2013 the Company announced that it had received a cash
distribution of â£7.9 million in relation to the sale of Advantage Healthcare by
Rutland Fund I. Following this distribution, the Company's cash and equivalents
are approximately â£10.5 million. The Company now has only two remaining
underlying portfolio companies, both of which sit within August Equity Partners
I. The Company's carrying value for its holding in August Equity Partners I is
currently â£3.9 million.

In view of the very advanced status of the Realisation Strategy the Board is
now aiming to post a circular to Shareholders, probably during the second
quarter of 2013, which will propose the Company's voluntary liquidation and the
appointment of a liquidator.

It is expected that the voluntary liquidation proposal will include a
substantial initial capital distribution by the liquidator to those
Shareholders on the Company's Register of Members at the date of the
liquidator's appointment. The liquidator will, however, need to retain
sufficient cash and other assets to cover the Company's estimated residual and
contingent liabilities, with further distributions being made to Shareholders
as and when possible.

For the avoidance of doubt, in view of the approach outlined above, the Board
does not currently anticipate that any further tender offers will be undertaken
as part of the Company's Realisation Strategy nor is it anticipating using
buyback powers unless absolutely necessary.


Ian Barrass
Portfolio Manager
Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc
Tel: 020 7818 2964

James de Sausmarez
Head of Investment Trusts
Henderson Global Investors
Tel: 020 7818 3349

Robin Archibald/Alex Blake
Winterflood Investment Trusts
Tel: 020 3100 0290
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