Health Catalyst®, Inc., takes another significant step forward in the company's leadership of healthcare analytics with the release of the Rapid Response Analytics Solution, a force multiplier for data assets and analytics staff. Developed based on Health Catalyst's unprecedented experience in the trenches of healthcare data management and analysis, the solution supports three fundamental concepts and needs: dramatically increasing the efficiency and productivity of data analysts and data scientists so they can operate at the top of their skills; improving analytic consistency and data governance; and reducing the total cost of ownership for data platforms and enterprise data warehouses. The industry's need for greater analytics efficiency, consistency and ROI is clear. The Rapid Response Analytics Solution's curated data content and tools will help to satisfy the industry's demand for more efficient and affordable data analysis. The solution maximizes value from healthcare's most strategic business asset—data—by providing agility, speed, and consistency to analytics engineers and data scientists. The result, confirmed by early deployment at client sites, is a 90% decrease in the time required to develop new analytic insights, which can translate into up to a 10x efficiency multiplier in developing analytics. To help address these concerns, Health Catalyst began developing the Rapid Response Analytics Solution three years ago. Today, the first version is available to the market and installed at all client sites. The Rapid Response Analytics Solution consists of two primary elements: curated, modular data kits called DOS Marts; and Population Builder, a powerful self-service tool that lets any type of user, from physician executive to frontline nurse, explore their data and quickly build cohorts of patients without relying on IT staff and with no need for sophisticated and customized SQL and data science coding. DOS Marts integrate multiple data sources, harmonize the terminology, and make the most common data elements easy to use, facilitating the rapid development of analytic reports and applications. Built on the Health Catalyst Data Operating System (DOS™), DOS Marts provide a curated, reusable, customizable layer of data content, logic and algorithms. They are designed to address a large number of analytic scenarios, while encouraging governance and the efficient reuse of logic for consistent analytics. DOS Marts also provide standardized vocabulary mappings to key data elements and incorporate over 400 clinical definitions from nationally standardized data sources such as CMS. Population Builder is a powerful and elegantly designed tool that simplifies exploration of the DOS Marts and dramatically boosts analysts' productivity. Population Builder is specifically designed to support the precise definition of patient cohorts, as well as the publication, governance and reuse of national and local definitions for patient cohorts. Clinicians, researchers, data analysts, and data scientists can use Population Builder in a real-time, collaborative work setting, exploring different definitions for patient cohorts, and then saving that work for downstream analytics. Unburdened by traditional code-based methodologies, analysts using Population Builder can uncover actionable insights within minutes rather than hours or days. Users without SQL or technical expertise can build logic to define populations of interest, based on a breadth of dimensions ranging from ICD codes to genomic profiles. Additionally, Population Builder's visual building experience generates easy-to-understand documentation, enabling more direct and effective collaboration between clinicians and analysts, as these teams can review graphical representations of patient populations, rather than complex SQL code, to refine population definitions. Finally, Population Builder allows the defined populations to be published and governed into DOS, where they can be reused across a variety of analytic and software applications.