Hapbee Technologies, Inc. announced that it has launched a first-of-kind, alcohol-free mood enhancing experience at a popular non-alcoholpub in Dublin, Ireland. The experience allows patrons to enhance their evening out with friends by enjoying a flight of Hapbee digital moods as a complement to the non-alcoholic beverage of their choice. The experience first launch with a kick-off event on May 11 in at Board Games Bar & Cafe, an alcohol-free pub in Dublin, and was developed in coordination with the pub's owner - well known Irish event and hospitality operator BodyTonic.

The working partnership between BodyTonic and Hapbee is the first such implementation for both companies. The plan is to gauge consumer feedback and iterate on the user experience with the ultimate objective of expanding the Hapbee experience into more bars and event festivals to exposing many more consumers to a first-time experience of Hapbee.