CCR S.A. Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.846.056/0001-97 Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.158.334 MATERIAL FACT

Pursuant to CVM Instruction 358, CCR S.A. ("CCR") (BM&FBovespa:CCRO3; Bloomberg:CCRO3BZ; Reuters:CCRO3.SA) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that its subsidiary Controlar S.A. ("CONTROLAR"), as per notice disclosed by it to the press, will discontinue its activities relating to the Vehicle Environmental Inspection Program in the city of São Paulo as of February 1, 2014.
The Company supports CONTROLAR's position of proceed going to court to obtain the recognition of its rights, which were affected by the Government's decision.
São Paulo, January 31, 2014.

Arthur Piotto Filho Investor Relations Officer
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