Granite Creek Copper Ltd. announced the appointment of Mr. Geordan Clark as an Independent Director. Geordan Clark is a Yukon-based entrepreneur with extensive project management and business development experience including an MBA from Cape Breton University. A citizen of the Kluane First Nation from Burwash Landing, Geordan worked as a business consultant with the Kluane First Nation, Tr'ondk Hwch'in, Na-Cho Nyk Dun Development Corporation, Carcross Tagish First Nation, Chu Nikwn LP (Kwanlin Dun), Champagne Aishihik Community Development Corporation, as well as providing consulting services to many other Yukon First Nations small business owners.

Mr. Clark was formerly the Executive Director of the Kluane Development Corporation and is currently General Manager and co-owner of Vision Quest Explorations, a Yukon First Nation drilling and exploration company. With a passion for Community Economic Development, Geordan is dedicated to supporting the progression of Yukon First Nation's business and advancement of the Yukon's economy.