The board of directors of Glow Energy Public Company Limited, at the meeting held on March 15, 2019 approved the appointment of Kowit Chuengsatiansup as a new member of the board to replace Brendan G.H. Wauters who resigned before the end of his term, effective as of March 15, 2019. The company approved the appointment of Chayun Tantivasadakarn as a new member of the board to replace Julien Ocean Pochet who resigned before the end of his term, effective as of March 15, 2019. The company approved the appointment of Sirobon Boontaworn as the CFO, effective as of March 18, 2019 and approved the appointment of Pajongwit Pongsivapai as CEO, effective as of March 16, 2019.

Mr. Pajongwit has managed and worked with various GLOW directors, management and staff in different key functions across the company businesses, including operations as Chief Operation Officer, business development as Head of Business Development and finance, legal and IT as Chief Financial Officer until he has been appointed as a new CEO of GLOW to replace Mr. Brendan Wauters who resigned before the end of his term.