2013-01-17 13:57:40

EUROMARK POLSKA (Resolution No. 65/2013)

Resolution No. 65/2013
of the Management Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A.
dated 16 January 2013

on declaring non-executed broker's orders for shares in EUROMARK POLSKA S.A. in bankruptcy with liquidation property listed on the WSE Main List null and void

§ 1

In relation to adding of shares in EUROMARK POLSKA S.A. in bankruptcy with liquidation property to the LIST OF ALERTS segment, the WSE Management Board acting pursuant to § 5.2 of the Chapter VI of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in conjunction with § 3.1, Chapter VII of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules, resolves that the broker's orders for the shares in that Company, transferred to the stock exchange, but not executed by 17 January 2013 (inclusive), are declared null and void after the end of trading on that day.

§ 2

The Resolution comes into force upon its adoption.

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