2014-01-17 20:38:03

DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANCH (Resolution No. 62/2014)

Resolution No. 62/2014
of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board
dated 17 January 2014
concerning the introduction to exchange trading in the WSE Main List of structured certificates issued by DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANCH and

§ 1

Pursuant to § 38.1 and § 38.3 of the WSE Rules, and § 1.1, § 2.1 Division V of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules in UTP system, the WSE Management Board resolves as follows:

1) to introduce to exchange trading in the parallel market by way of an ordinary procedure, as of 21 January 2014, 145.183 structured certificates linked to a basket of shares, issued by DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANCH, coded by the National Depository for Securities as "DE000DE3WCF3";
2) to list the structured certificates issued by DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANCH, mentioned in point 1) above, in the market maker system under the abbreviated name "DBGBSH1117";
3) to list the structured certificates issued by DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON BRANCH, mentioned in point 1) above, in non-leveraged structured instruments segment, (Segment B instruments).

§ 2

This Resolution shall come into force on the day of adoption.

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