Nexters Inc. announced new role appointments on its Board of Directors. Natasha Braginsky Mounier, has been elected the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, where she will replace Ivan Tavrin, who departed from Nexters' Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting held on August 26, 2022. Also, newly-elected members Marie Holive and Olga Loskutova have been appointed to Nexters' Board of Directors committees.

Marie will serve as a Chairperson of the Audit Committee and Olga will serve as a Member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. With these changes, all of Nexters' committees will consist of independent directors only. The new composition of Nexters' Board of Directors committees is as follows.

Audit Committee: Members - Marie Holive, Natasha Braginsky Mounier, Andrew Sheppard. Chairperson of the committee - Marie Holive. Nomination and Compensation Committee: Members - Andrew Sheppard, Natasha Braginsky Mounier, Olga Loskutova.

Chairperson of the committee - Andrew Sheppard.