GBT Technologies Inc. was approved on January 2022 for prioritized examination by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). The Company expects its first USPTO's office action within the next few months. Prioritized examination is a procedure for expedited review of a patent application.

The USPTO's goal for prioritized examination is to provide a final disposition within twelve months of this prioritized status being granted. The technology, which has assigned an internal code name “Apollo”, is currently under design with the goal of developing a real time movement and position detection system that is based on radio waves. The system will send radio waves within specific frequencies and analyze the reflected information using AI algorithm with the goal of identifying distinctive patterns to construct real time movements and positions.

The goal of Apollo, which is currently under design, is to detect stationary and moving objects using a wireless computer vision system and in turn construct a 3D imaging through neural network algorithms. The goal is to operate within indoor/outdoor environments in all weather conditions. The technology is once developed planned to enable accurate 3D imaging of people and object's motion and position within a covered area. Its range could theoretically be extended to cover large regions using repeaters and antenna arrays.

GBT believes that the technology can be an innovative computer vision solution to be used for a wide variety of applications among them are autonomous vehicles, health watching and security systems. As a reminder, the Company filed a non-provisional patent application on September 10, 2021, serial number 17471213. As the Apollo system is currently under design, the Company will face a number of risks in fully developing the system as an initial prototype and then for ultimate commercialization. These risks include capital and human resource constraints among other risks.

There is no guarantee that the company will successfully develop the Apollo.