GBT Technologies Inc. is working to secure its Apollo, a RF based motion detection system. The Apollo system uses AI technology to control radio waves transmissions and analyzing the reflected information to construct 3D cinematic media in real time. Apollo transmits and receives data using radio waves, operating within low frequencies RF Spectrum. The security system is targeted to prevent intruders from listening to Apollo’s RF traffic, stealing data or block its operation. Another topic of concern is the ability to replace data with bogus information; basically, jamming it. The system will be governed by an AI mechanism to quantify RF devices that interact with Apollo, assessing its RF waves characteristics, monitoring network traffic, and ultimately, detecting unauthorized RF devices. These devices will be categorized as intruding nodes and will be immediately isolated upon detection. They design a cognitive security mechanism to constantly learn about Apollo’s communication characteristics, providing an adaptive RF communication feature to ensure robust, secured operations. In case of malicious activity detection, the AI system will immediately modify the RF propagation characteristics to the new conditions, activating new encryption keys, and ultimately changing the entire radio system attributes. The system’s main advantage is the fact that it will take the necessary precautions before attacks occur, what they call a preventative approach. The main aim will be to protect against data theft and damaging due to the wireless signal’s vulnerabilities. Apollo system could be implemented within major domains like health monitoring, security, and computer vision applications. The company already filed a provisional patent and will be filing a non-provisional patent during the next few months. There is no guarantee that the Company will be successful in researching, developing or implementing this system. In order to successfully implement this concept, the Company will need to raise adequate capital to support its research and, if successfully researched, developed and granted regulatory approval, the Company would need to enter into a strategic relationship with a third party that has experience in manufacturing, selling and distributing this product. There is no guarantee that the Company will be successful in any or all of these critical steps.