FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Ltd. announced that Transport Canada has issued FLYHT a Supplemental Type Certificate ("STC") for the flange version of the AFIRS Edge, the Company's 5G wireless data communication device, for Boeing 737 NG aircraft. The achievement of this STC enables FLYHT to ship the Edge units to Canadian Boeing 737 NG customers while at the same time familiarizing the Canadian STC into other jurisdictions to enable worldwide distribution. Per the agreement signed in October 2023, Air North has agreed to purchase FLYHT's innovative hardware and software services as part of the Yukon airline's fleet renewal plans.

Specifically, FLYHT's AFIRS 228 Iridium SatCom and AFIRS Edge solutions will be installed on Air North's Boeing 737 NG aircraft as it renews its Boeing 737 Classic fleet. The AFIRS Edge is an aircraft interface device (AID), connecting aircraft data with electronic flight bag (EFB) applications and provides airlines with Wireless Quick Access (WQAR) capabilities, all while serving as a gateway on the aircraft for critical real-time information and onboard data storage. The Edge also serves as a data port for FLYHT's actionable intelligence services, such as fuel management, aircraft health monitoring, real-time engine data reporting and airport gate performance monitoring.

Further, when coupled with a real-time IP satellite connection, the Edge enables weather data customers to work with airlines to implement FLYHT's weather solutions for enabling enhanced weather forecasting capabilities, providing more accurate and timely warnings of extreme weather, and in the detection and avoidance of contrail generation.