Flexituff Ventures International Limited announced details of defaults made by Company on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount of loans from banks/financial institutions for the quarter ended December 31, 2020. Total amount outstanding as on date is 3,492,431,122. Of the total amount outstanding, amount of default as on date is 2,681,953,675. Total financial indebtedness of the listed entity including short-term and long-term debt is 6,148,468,411. The amounts are as of 31st December, 2020 as per books of the Company on provisional basis and are subject to reconciliation & confirmation from lenders. The term loan of KKR India Financial Services Limited ("KKR") has been assigned to Assets Care & Reconstruction Enterprise Limited ("ACRE") and ACRE has entered into new loan with the Company. The original outstanding (principle and interest) with KKR was INR 941,051,489 being restructured to INR 150,000,000.