Feedback plc announced that its imaging-based communication platform, Bleepa, has been awarded a place on the NHSx National Clinical Communication Tool Framework ("the NCCT Framework"). Bleepa is a clinical communications platform that combines access to review quality medical imaging alongside instant messaging and video calling in one CE marked, zero footprint, medical device. The NCCT Framework provides a vehicle for NHS Trusts to buy Bleepa by drawing down from a £3 million centralised fund over a two year period. It gives Bleepa national coverage and provides an independent validation of the quality and suitability of Bleepa for frontline delivery, a stamp of approval that the Company can use to also drive sales in other markets. The Directors believe that as the only CE marked medical device relating to medical imaging on the NCCT Framework, Bleepa is the only supplier able to deliver digital patient imaging for diagnostic purposes alongside clinical messaging. The Directors believe that Bleepa's simple messaging exchange will offer considerable benefit to clinicians and Trusts, enabling the NHS to purge the pager and replace it with a truly transformative solution that brings medical imaging into routine communication.