Everlert, Inc. announced progress regarding its Joint Venture with Baja Green Energy S.A. de C.V. to establish and operate Baja Green Energy Facilities in Mexico and in other regions around the world. Alburto Navaez, Director and Principal of Baja Green Energy, met in August 2018 in Mexico City with Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, Mexico’s Secretary of Energy, at a Conference presented by the National Chamber of Electrical Manufacturers (Camara Nacional De Manofacturas Electricas) and presented specific information and proposals about Baja Green to Secretary of Energy Pedro Joaquin Coldwell so as to facilitate Baja Green Energy’s efforts to become the premier provider of Green Energy in Mexico. Secretary of Energy Pedro Joaquin Coldwell is the President of Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party and also the brother of Carlos JoaquinManuel Gonzales, the Governor of Quintana Roo, México.