The two scenarios based on the Rassemblement National (RN) coming to power or the country becoming ungovernable for lack of a majority in the National Assembly are creating "a lot of uncertainty" on the financial markets, both in terms of the economy and social cohesion, said the CEO of stock exchange operator Euronext on Tuesday.

"Both scenarios create a lot of uncertainty," Stéphane Boujnah said on France Inter.

"In the case where a team that has never governed comes to power, there's total uncertainty, a complete unknown, and a lot of concerns about other things that aren't economic, i.e. what's happening in the cohesion of French society and the risks that this cohesion that would be deteriorated could have an impact on business. So there's a real concern about that," explained the head of the Paris Bourse operator.

"On the second level, I'm inclined to say that, with reference to what's happening in the rest of Europe, you may find it strange from a French perspective, but when you look at it from a Belgian, Dutch, Spanish or German perspective, the idea that it's necessary to create a coalition that's highly improbable at the outset is not something unknown", he noted.

"That said, careful observers know that it's also unheard of in France, or at least since the 4th Republic, and that it could pose problems", added Stéphane Boujnah.

"I'm inclined to say that, from the markets' point of view, the second case is less worrying than the first." (Written by Blandine Hénault with contributions from Tassilo Hummel, edited by Tangi Salaün)