Eureka Lithium Corp. has mobilized field crews through its GroundTruth Exploration partner to the Raglan District where Eureka owns 443 sq. km at Raglan West and 229 sq.

km at Raglan South. Raglan West Highlights: Raglan West features some of the highest lithium and cesium values in lake sediments in the Quebec government database, including 16 out of 39 samples greater than 99% or 37.3 parts per million and above; The anomalous to extremely anomalous lake sediments appear to be associated with east-southeast- trending and northeast-trending magnetic lineaments; Recent mapping by the Geological Survey of Canada's Quebec division indicates the land package includes granites, tonalities, paragneiss and amphibolites; A priority focus will be given to a historically mapped cluster of 12 pegmatites exposed across a 2 km x 3 km area, which also includes the property's highest lithium, cesium and rubidium values in reported Quebec government lake sediment sampling. The 229 sq.

km Raglan South Property, within 10 km of KoBold Metals' large land package to the north, features one of the strongest lithium-cesium anomalies in lake bottom sediments in the entire Quebec government database, along with favorable rock units, including a large mafic structure, and multiple historically mapped pegmatites. Raglan South contains 12.3% of the 99.96 percentile lithium samples in lake bottom sediments in the Quebec government database (seven widely spaced samples out of the top 57 samples in the province's entire database) that contain greater than 60 parts per million lithium; Historically, Raglan South has seen very little geological mapping, but multiple pegmatites have been noted along with mafic and other rock units considered favorable for potential lithium mineralization; Raglan South sits next to three intersecting terrain boundaries including a large northwest-trending magnetic low structure.