Secova Metals Corp. announced the appointment of Martin Prescott as an Independent Director. Mr. Prescott has over 25 years of experience relating to stock market trading, blockchain and investment experience.

He is a serial entrepreneur and public speaker, educating business leaders and investors about capital market Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") investments and blockchain technologies. Martin is the co-founder and Chief Business Officer of the CarbonEthic Group, a Canadian carbon offsets manufacturer delivering products at scale for worldwide emitters' requirements. He previously built two education focused companies including a French-speaking market trading school and a blockchain technology consulting firm.

He has specialized in blockchain technology since 2016 and ESG investments since 2019. Martin will help Secova deliver value to investors by providing strategic direction to the Company regarding new eco-friendly financial tools and technologies for focused ESG friendly operations. Martin Prescott will be replacing Jack Huang who has agreed to step aside in support of Secova's initiative to become an industry leader in ESG operations.

The Company would like to thank Mr. Huang for his direction while Secova listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange and acquired the Montauban project.