MILAN (Reuters) - Unions are announcing a mobilization of Enel employees, with a state of agitation to be formalized in the coming days, to oppose the company's decision to outsource core activities and the change of working hours for e-distribution operatives without any agreement with the union.

"Inputs in the three-year period 2024-2026 will even produce a contraction of the workforce, if the planned outflows are taken into account. Enel, a company that is central to the country and fundamental to leading the energy transition, is now only focused on containing spending, with a retreat on the level of protections," the unions stress.

Filctem, Flaei, and Uiltec emphasize "the unjustified reduction in labor costs and the resulting protections, a system that had never previously manifested itself in Enel."

In addition, again according to the unions' note, "it is not a modern attitude to reduce smart working, with the re-proposition of a kind of command and control of the activities of workers of a twentieth-century nature. It is not acceptable that in order to recover efficiency we are once again considering outsourcing core activities, such as maneuvering in the secondary cabin, a highly strategic and very dangerous activity on the safety side."

(Giancarlo Navach, editing Claudia Cristoferi)