Efore Oyj announced that it would seek approval for a share repurchase program at its Annual General Meeting to be held on February 7, 2013. Under the program, the company will repurchase a maximum of 4,000,000 own shares, representing approximately 9.41% of its share capital. The shares may be acquired in public trading arranged by the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy at the prevailing market price on the date of acquisition, or at a price otherwise formed on the market.

The acquisition may be made using, inter alia, derivatives. The rules and regulations of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy and of the Central Securities Depository shall be complied with in the acquisition. On the basis of the authorization, the Board of Directors may resolve on the acquisition of own shares only by using unrestricted equity.

The authorization includes the right of the Board to resolve on all other terms and conditions relating to the acquisition of the company's own shares. The authorization will be valid until June 30, 2014. As of January 10, 2013, the company has 42,529,648 shares in issue.