The directors of Encounter Resources Ltd. announced that initial field reconnaissance supports the lithium potential of the Crawford target at the Junction Lithium Project. Pleasingly, the first on-ground activities have already confirmed series of pegmatites at this key structural target. Initial sampling assay results are due early in 2023.

A systematic soil sampling program is planned for early in 2023 ahead of drilling. Field Reconnaissance at Crawford: Initial field reconnaissance has been completed at Crawford and supports the lithium potential of the project. Positive developments include: a series of outcropping and sub-cropping pegmatites have been identified over 4km of strike which are interpreted to extend under shallow cover to the north; pegmatite trend is situated along the western margin of a large granite body; trend is under shallow cover amenable to surface sampling to define drill targets; target located ~4km east of Core Lithium's Ringing Rocks prospect - a which hosts two large pegmatite bodies with surface rock chips assaying up to 0.6% Li2O.