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Hamburg, 17 January 2014 - In the yearly ranking of German investor magazine Nebenwerte-Journal on the preciseness of forecasts of listed companies, Capital Stage AG defended its top position: The good predictability of revenues and profit contributions of the solar and wind park portfolio for the second time in a row secured the first position for the company.

In its current issue, Nebenwerte-Journal commends the reliability of statements: "All forecasts are met with 100%," and the repeated top position could be seen as an indicator, "that even in challenging industries, convincing business models do exist."

In the context of the evaluation, Nebenwerte-Journal compared forecasts of selected companies given in the annual reports 2012 with the de facto business development in 2013. Estimations on the respective market and industry development, revenues and profit expectations as well as statements regarding dividends have been rated.

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