Edison, Framatome, a company specializing in reactor design, and Milan Polytechnic University have signed an agreement for cooperation in scientific and technological research and training in the field of nuclear energy.

This is according to a joint note.

The parties intend to pool their respective knowledge and technical expertise in order to jointly develop research, development and innovation activities for the nuclear sector.

The cooperation agreement provides for the execution of joint programs through internships, master's theses, doctoral dissertations, the organization of seminars, workshops and other similar initiatives on technical topics of common interest, the statement added.

"With this agreement we take a further step for cooperation and research on new nuclear power and to prepare, together with universities, the necessary skills that will one day play a key role in the development of new nuclear power in Italy," commented Lorenzo Mottura, Evp strategy, innovation, research & development and digital at Edison.

(Giancarlo Navach, editing Stefano Bernabei)