697,222 Options of DY6 Metals Ltd are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 28-DEC-2023. These Options will be under lockup for 184 days starting from 27-JUN-2023 to 28-DEC-2023.

ASX will classify certain existing Securities on issue in the Company (as opposed to those to be issued under this Prospectus) as being subject to the restricted securities provisions of the Listing Rules (Restricted Securities). Restricted Securities will be required to be held in escrow for up to 24 months commencing on the date on which quotation of the Restricted Securities commences, or 12 months from the date the Restricted Securities are issued by the Company (as applicable) and will not be able to be sold, mortgaged, pledged, assigned or transferred for that period without the prior approval of ASX.

As at the date of this Prospectus the Company expects, on a Maximum Subscription basis, approximately 14,000,000 Shares, 7,750,000 Options and 4,500,000 Performance Rights to be subject to 24 months escrow and 6,500,000 Shares and 1,250,000 Options to be subject to 12 months escrow.