On July 8, 2024, Downing Strategic Micro-Cap Investment Trust plc announced that it has issued a notice of requisitioned general meeting, as a request received from Vidacos Nominees Limited acting as nominee of Milkwood Capital Limited, regarding resolutions to 1) appoint Rhys Drennan Summerton, André Charles Tonkin and Paul Shackleton, 2) remove 2 Company's current directors Hugh Aldous and Robert Legget; and 3) remove any person appointed as a director of the Company between June 17, 2024 and immediately prior to the requisitioned general meeting, and a special resolution that 4) the current Board do not declare any dividend, return of capital or other distribution on or prior to the requisitioned general meeting; and 5) the second special interim dividend of 12 pence per Share declared on May 28, 2024 and any other dividend, return of capital or other distribution declared or announced but not paid or made between the date of the requisition and immediately prior to the requisitioned general meeting be cancelled and of no effect. In addition, the Company recommended the shareholders to vote against the each of the requisitioned resolutions, at the annual meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on August 5, 2024.