The Nomination Committee of Dicot AB proposes that Fredrik Buch and Michael Zell are elected as new ordinary Board members of the Board of Dicot AB at the Annual General Meeting on May 24, 2022. bba Florin-Robertsson and Claes Post have declined re-election. The Nomination Committee proposes Eva Sjökvist Saers as Chairman of the Board.

Fredrik Buch is a Medical Doctor and Ph.D with a degree from the University of Gothenburg. Fredrik's professional activities include medical research and clinical activities, medical R&D in the pharmaceutical industry as well as fund management and venture capital/investments. Fredrik has been Head of SEB Läkemedelsfonder, partner at HealthCap, partner and founder of Brilleon Capital and has been active as a venture consultant for Karolinska Investment Fund.

Fredrik Buch has extensive experience from Board work and is currently active in the Boards of e.g. Lobsor Holding AB, Intrance Medical System Inc/Intrance Holding AB, Cytovac A/S, Pila B and Acarix AB. Michael has been appointed chairman of the Swedish Ship Mortgage Fund by the government. During 2014-2018, he was president of the Royal Örlogsmannasällskapet - Swedish Marine Academy.

Michael Zell has been a shareholder in Dicot AB since the company's listing in 2018 and has participated in all issues.