Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG has prolonged two essential lease contracts at two locations with food retailer EDEKA prematurely by 10 and 15 years. Firstly the general lease contract of the 6,500 sqm bearing EDEKA-Center in Bergen (Lower Saxony) which were dated until 28 February 2020 has now been prolonged by 10 years until 28 February 2030. Moreover new prolongation options of total further 15 years were concluded. Secondly the rental contract of the 6,800 sqm EDEKA-Center "Holzmarkt" in Verden (Lower Saxony) has been prolonged by 15 years starting from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2033. Fresh prolongation options of total further 15 years were agreed here, too. Taking into account these prolongations the reported WALT as at 30 September 2018 would have grown by 0.7 years to 5.9 years. Additionally DKR is expecting further long-term prolongations of existing lease contracts within the existing property portfolio shortly.