The financial supervisory authority has once again targeted Deutsche Börse subsidiaries for deficiencies.

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bafin) identified weaknesses at Clearstream Banking AG and Clearstream Holding AG, as the inspectors announced on Thursday evening. Deficiencies were also found at the subsidiary Eurex Clearing AG. The inspectors demanded that the companies ensure a proper business organization. In the case of Eurex Clearing AG, they also ordered that appropriate internal safeguards be put in place. Bafin had identified deficiencies in risk management.

Among other things, the companies are responsible for settlement and custody in Deutsche Börse's securities trading. They must regularly inform the financial supervisory authority and the Bundesbank of the progress made in remedying deficiencies. This is not the first time that Bafin has identified deficiencies at Deutsche Börse subsidiaries.

Deutsche Börse explained in the evening that the regulators had reviewed Eurex Clearing AG in the middle and end of 2021 with regard to risk management. This had involved IT outsourcing and tax risks. Eurex Clearing AG took measures immediately afterwards. Internal processes in the audited areas had already been significantly strengthened. Projects have been initiated to promptly and completely remedy the findings of the supervisory authority. Restructuring and completion schedules had been submitted to the supervisors.

According to Deutsche Börse, supervisory reviews at Clearstream Holding AG and Clearstream Banking AG at the end of 2021 also focused on risk management. Here, too, countermeasures were taken immediately. Internal security precautions have already been significantly improved. The supervisory authority had received restructuring and completion schedules. Steps have been taken to promptly and completely rectify the issues raised.

(Report by Frank Siebelt, Tom Sims; Edited by Birgit Mittwollen; If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets)).