Dermapharm Holding SE

Investors' and Analysts' Conference Call

Q1 2024

15th May, 2024 | 14:00 CEST



Christof Dreibholz

Dr Andreas Eberhorn

Britta Hamberger


Britta Hamberger

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Dermapharm's Q1 2024

webcast. Thank you for joining us this afternoon. Our speakers

today are our CFO and Chief Compliance Office, Christof

Dreibholz and our Chief Marketing Officer, Andreas Eberhorn.

Christof will guide you through the presentation and afterwards

there will be time for Q&A. Christof, the floor is yours. Please, go


Christof Dreibholz

Thank you very much, Britta. Good afternoon, also from me. My

name is Christof Dreibholz and I will start with the financial slides.

I have been informed that there will be a slight delay when you

the slides are moved forward. I see now slide number three. Yes.

This is short and hopefully for the last time a summary of our

development of key financial indicators, revenue and EBITDA,

adjusted EBITDA, plus the relevant margin excluding the

vaccine business.

The last time because we had in both quarters, especially in Q1

'23, the last significant revenues that were related to the vaccine

business. Hence, this shows the trend without the corresponding

results, i.e., we had a revenue increase across all three

segments of €12.1 million, an above average EBITDA adjusted

increase of €15.6 million. The reason for that is that is that the

main driver of the increase was in the branded segment which,

as such, has an above average profitability. And the

corresponding impact on the margin was a notable 4.4

percentage points.

Next slide, please. These are the numbers now including the

difference or the variance from the vaccine operations and I think

I don't need to tell you that with this difference you can calculate,

based on the slide before, the magnitude of the change in the

vaccine business.

So, our revenues came down by approximately €20 million. The

majority of that, two thirds of that driven by the vaccine business.

And, correspondingly, also we had a decline in our adjusted

EBITDA and due to the very high margin of the vaccine business

the change at EBIDA level was higher, so approximately half of

that coming from the vaccine business. The impact at earnings

after tax is a decline of approximately €6 million and we see the

corresponding bridge with the main drivers of this change on one

of the following slides.

Next slide, please. This is a summary of our margin development

where, again, we see an impact of course, of the vaccine

business, with the decline in the branded pharmaceutical margin

but we also see a declining in trend in other health products. The

reason for that is that especially Arkopharma has been

negatively hit by consumer sentiment in France with lower

purchases, which we've encountered now in Q1, declining


Arkopharma's revenue and results with a corresponding impact also on margin.

What we currently see is that the consumer sentiment is changing and we believe that this trend will reverse in the course of financial year '24. If we, again, eliminate the vaccine business from these numbers, we see the increase I mentioned before, 4.4 percentage points, to approximately 28% of net sales.

Next slide, please. This is the earnings after tax bridge that I mentioned before. The two operating drivers of this, the decline, are the phasing out of the vaccine production and this netted against the growth of the remaining business, which leaves a decline of only €6 million, so the majority of the decline in the vaccine business could be compensated by our existing business.

Secondly, the aforementioned decline in Arkopharma netted against a small increase coming from Montavit, which was initially consolidated mid of last year, so is not included in our Q1 figures. But Montavit only contributed below €1 million in EBITDA in Q1 '24, so the net impact from those two effects is minus €6.4 million in Q1 compared to prior year, Q1 '23.

We see a favourable impact at earnings after tax level from our financial result, with plus €11.1 million, part of that coming from the swap. Our two hedges, we agreed, had a negative impact at year end of approximately €13 million in total, based on the mark-to-market valuation of the two hedging instruments. And due to the development of the underlying interest rates, especially the Euribor, we were able to release part of that provision that was necessary at year end, amounting to €6.1 million.

And then, based in the interest development, that is interest income, especially on our cash amounts, we increased the net financial result by another €5 million. Depreciation charges increased by also roughly €5 million, this coming from Montavit which was, as I mentioned before, not in the numbers Q1 '23, and also Arkopharma, as the Arkopharma PPA was only included in the numbers first in the half year results '23. And those two amount to approximately 50% each of the number you see there.

Next slide, please. This is a summary of net debt and our equity ratio. Since mid of last year, we managed to decrease our net debt figure by approximately €70 million. We will do further repayments of another €50 million on term loan B in '24, plus the scheduled repayment of the promissory note of roughly €40 million also in the coming months. Our net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio as of March was €3.1 million and well below the covenant agreed with the banks. Our equity ratio, as can be seen


on this slide, correspondingly increased by two percentage

points compared to June '23, to 27%.

Next slide, please. A summary of our cash flow development

showing our operational cash flow and this investment, the

capex we've made, which is obviously impacted in Q1 '23 by the

acquisition of Arkopharma. If we eliminate that and only see the

recurring capex, that is approximately the same number that we

see in Q1 '24.

And, again, the operating cash flow, the decline by

approximately €40 million driven by the vaccine business again,

as the revenue that we recorded in Q1 '23 was already cash

settled by BioNTech, by 31st March '23, therefore we had a

notable increase due to this, the recognition not only of earnings

but also of cash in Q1 '23 and thereby increasing the operational

capex compared to Q1 '24.

And I think the next slide is then our outlook. Our outlook is

unchanged compared to what we have communicated in our last

webcast. As I mentioned before, we believe that the trend that

we currently see in Arkopharma will change in the course of the

financial year, so that we see an improvement of Arkopharma

and that the segments will continue to develop in line with our

underlying plan and hence leave our outlook for the full financial

year at the same level as before. I think that's it and Andreas and

myself are now open for questions. Thank you.


We will now begin the question and answer session. Anyone

who wishes to ask a question may press star and one on their

touchtone telephone. You will hear a tone to confirm that you

have entered the queue. If you wish to remove yourself from the

question queue, you may press star and two. Participants are

requested to use only handsets when asking a question. Anyone

who has a question may press star and one at this time. The first

question comes from Marietta Miemietz, from Pareto. Please, go


Marietta Miemietz

Good afternoon. Thanks for taking my questions. I've two, really.

One is was there a meaningful amount of corona revenue and

profit still included in Q1 that would not repeat over the course of

2024? And related to that, if the underlying dynamics continue

strong, as they were in Q1, do you see a possibility that your full

year EBITDA will actually exceed your guidance?

And then the second question is around the consumer reticence

that you mentioned. Would you mind just sharing a bit more

detail, in terms of when that started, what the dynamics are now

that we're in May. What actually triggered it, including how bad

is it outside of France? I'm just a bit puzzled because, to me, all

of the economic and geopolitical issues that Europe faces are

really not new, so why suddenly and what gives you confidence


that it will reverse over the course of the year? Thank you so


Christof Dreibholz

Andreas, I will start with maybe the first two questions and if you

could comment on the consumer trend. The first question was

corona related and, no, there is no significant amount of corona-

related, vaccine-related revenue in the underlying numbers. The

main income stream, and also going forward, is going to be from

the German pandemic preparedness programme that we are

part of as a subcontractor to BioNTech.

The second question was whether we believe that if the

dynamics continue, that we will exceed our guidance? Currently,

as we confirm our guidance, we believe on what we currently

see based on Q1, which is only three months, that we will meet

our guidance and not exceed it. And, Andreas, if you can share

any insights regarding the consumer revenue development, that

would be appreciated.

Dr Andreas Eberhorn

Hello from my side and thanks for the question. Actually, we saw

it in the last couple of months in '23 that the market growth of the

comparable market or addressable market of Arkopharma was

slowing down leading in the end to even a decline and

Arkopharma, as one strong part in this market, obviously is

affected by that one.

Reasons for decline, I would say, is a follow-up of inflation and

also the more reluctance to spend higher prices in the food

supplement business, as we see. And Arkopharma is positioned,

I would say, mid to premium priced.

We see this specifically in a couple of brands where we are

comparing with competition where the price gets more into focus

and, for sure, also we analyse and act if needed to stay

competitive. But we see, majorly in the higher price beauty

segment, that customers are really eager to spend less or more

on the value-for-price offer, on that one, in their mind at least.

Why do we think trends should reverse? From the last months

we saw, beginning of the year, that the negative market trend

stopped and is a very slight but still positive trend evolution,

growing a little bit above 2%. And based also from individual

customer feedbacks, consumer feedbacks we do, we see that

obviously this kind of thing is slightly reversing, as well as

Arkopharma will continue to use the synergies we have and we

are working on, which will add additional growth and, as well,

launches coming for the second half of the year.

So, we are confident that this, on the one hand the better market

trend, which is now again into the positive edge, as well as the

own operational business will, let's say, allow us to reach the

goals we expected.


Mariette Miemietz

Thank you.


As a reminder, if you wish to register for a question, please press

star followed by one. The next question comes from Stephan

Wulf, from ODDO. Please, go ahead.

Stephan Wulf

Thanks a lot. First one would be on the pandemic preparedness

programme. Maybe you can share with us some details on that.

Especially, if I'm not mistaken, a good part of the revenue

streams in Q1 were still related to '23, so any more details on

what amount this was in Q1 would be pretty helpful. And maybe

what we can expect as an underlying revenue stream coming

from that programme in the course of '24. This would be my first

one and maybe I can ask my questions one by one.

Christof Dreibholz

Of course. The total amount of pandemic preparedness-related

revenues recorded in Q1 was between €5-10 million. If you work

a number in the middle of this range, that is a very good starting

point. And the pandemic preparedness, the contract was agreed

mid of last year but effective, that's the correct, effective as of

mid of year, the contract that BioNTech agreed with the German


Therefore, as this was effective mid of last year, we could only

record this amount beginning of this year as the contract, itself,

was not concluded by that time. Therefore, the amount that I

mentioned before, this range, two thirds of that relate to last year.

One third is an amount that actually applies to Q1 '24 and the

same magnitude of this amount, of this one third of the total

amount, will be recorded every quarter going forward until '27.

Stephan Wulf

That's extremely helpful. Thanks.

Christof Dreibholz

You're welcome.

Stephan Wulf

Then, secondly, on Arkopharma. I think in the last year you

shared also the top line and EBITDA number of Arkopharma with


Christof Dreibholz

Yes, because we had to do this as part of the purchase price

allocation. Let me see. You're now interested in Arkopharma?

Stephan Wulf

Q1 2024, yes.

Christof Dreibholz

Last year, revenue was between €60-70 million and this year I

think you could calculate it if you take the change in revenue of

the segment.

Stephan Wulf

And my last question is also on Arkopharma predominantly.

Given the headwinds and the consumer sentiment you

mentioned, did you change your marketing efforts, mainly in


Christof Dreibholz

This is a question, and I'm so happy that Andreas is here. Go,



Dr Andreas Eberhorn

Let's say marketing efforts. The strategy, how Arkopharma is

positioned and the value it brings we leave it in place. We did not

change, obviously, because that's the core of Arkopharma. What

we, for sure, do is when headwinds are there, try to understand

what is in the core brand. So, which brands are really growing,

where we see, for example, less price aggressiveness.

Or if we decide, on the one hand, we need to adjust prices, not

to lose a higher amount of shares, we obviously stop investment

on these brands and move investments to others. So, I would

say we keep our core but, for sure, we look where growth is

possible, where consumer drive is there.

This shifted a little bit between the different SKUs of the brands

but overall the strategy, per se, is not changing and I think it's

not wise to use the competitors' strategy because there is a

strategy there and normally you will not win if you just copy what

the environment is doing. But we are confident that we are on

the right track and, yes, headwinds are there but I think we are

well prepared to deliver the results we plan to.

Stephan Wulf

Thank you.

Dr Andreas Eberhard

You're welcome.


Once again, to ask a question please press star followed by one.

The next question comes from Miro Zuzak, from JMS. Please,

go ahead.

Miro Zuzak

Good afternoon, gentlemen. Can you hear me?

Christof Dreibholz


Miro Zuzak

Just one question left for me. Could you please give us an

indication about Q2, how it started in your core business?

Christof Dreibholz

Andreas, do you want to say something regarding? I think we

can only mention revenue.

Dr Andreas Eberhard

I think, overall, we had a good April, a good trend. If you definite,

let's say, our core segment as the branded segment, which I

assume you do.

Miro Zuzak


Dr Andreas Eberhard

We continue the trend with nice growth, I would say, across

businesses. A nice thing is that we at least got much market

data. With Allergopharma, we are in Germany. In the injectable

segment, which we only are a part of, we are now market leader,

which is really nice. So, after a long time, we now reached the

top. This is a good signal.

And all our drivers, RX or OTC, where we focus on we are nicely


growing. The corticoids as we mentioned a couple of times,

where we are market leader and we're getting more and more

unique in the market with that one. Vitamins are still on a good

trend, both in Germany but specifically also in our affiliates.

So, I would say we can continue to write at least as we see it

now, the trend we saw in the first quarter for the branded

segment, with nice growth, as said, across geographies.

Miro Zuzak

Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen, that was the last question. I would now

like to turn the conference back over the management for any

closing remarks.

Christof Dreibholz

I think it's normally Britta who says goodbye. We are sitting not

together. We are in different locations. Therefore, I take this time.

Thank you for your interest and if there's anything I think, as

always, we try to be helpful and please do reach out to Britta with

any further questions.

Britta Hamberger

Yes. Thank you for joining this call this afternoon and in case of

further questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.



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Dermapharm Holding SE published this content on 16 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 16 May 2024 14:40:04 UTC.