
● The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility.

● The company presents an interesting fundamental situation from a short-term investment perspective.


● Growth is a substantial asset for the company, as anticipated by dedicated analysts. Within the next three years, growth is estimated to reach 75% by 2023.

● The company's earnings per share (EPS) are expected to grow significantly over the next few years according to the consensus of analysts covering the stock.

● With a P/E ratio at 11.23 for the current year and 10.83 for next year, earnings multiples are highly attractive compared with competitors.

● The company is one of the most undervalued, with an "enterprise value to sales" ratio at 0.53 for the 2021 fiscal year.

● The company has a low valuation given the cash flows generated by its activity.

● Over the last twelve months, the sales forecast has been frequently revised upwards.

● Upward revisions of sales forecast reflect a renewed optimism among the analysts covering the stock.

● For the last twelve months, analysts have been gradually revising upwards their EPS forecast for the upcoming fiscal year.

● For several months, analysts have been revising their EPS estimates roughly upwards.

● Analysts have a positive opinion on this stock. Average consensus recommends overweighting or purchasing the stock.

● The average target price set by analysts covering the stock is above current prices and offers a tremendous appreciation potential.

● The average price target of analysts who are interested in the stock has been strongly revised upwards over the last four months.

● Over the past twelve months, analysts' opinions have been strongly revised upwards.


● The company's profitability before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization characterizes fragile margins.

● The company does not generate enough profits, which is an alarming weak point.

● Prospects from analysts covering the stock are not consistent. Such dispersed sales estimates confirm the poor visibility into the group's activity.

● The price targets of analysts who cover the stock differ significantly. This implies difficulties in evaluating the company and its business.