Tel Aviv, Wednesday January 01, 2014. Delek Group gas subsidiaries announced that they are in advanced negotiations, in coordination with all the partners in the Leviathan reservoir, with the Antitrust Authority concerning a restrictive trade practice in Leviathan, about which the Antitrust Authority approached the Leviathan partners on September 6, 2011. The essence of an arrangement would be that instead of declaring a restrictive trade practice between the partners in Leviathan, the Partners will be obliged to sell, on terms as defined in the arrangement, all of their holdings in the 'Tanin' natural gas reservoir that is located in the Alon A/364 license and in the 'Karish' natural gas reservoir that is located in the Alon C/366 license. It is emphasized that this is presently at the negotiations stage only, and there is no certainty that negotiations will become a binding agreement.

For more information please see the immediate reports as published on TASE.

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