Daiwa Office Investment Corporation decided to borrow a total of JPY 2,000 million and to make an early repayment of existing borrowing (the Early Repayment) as outlined below. Lender: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Loan Amount: JPY 2,000 million; Interest Rate: 3 month Japanese Yen TIBOR + 0.350%; Scheduled Borrowing Date: September 29, 2023; Borrowing /Repayment Method: Unsecured Repayment in lump sum and Repayment Date: August 29, 2031. Details of Early Repayment: Lender: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Loan amount is JPY 2,000 million.

Repayment amount is JPY 2,000 million. Borrowing date: December 30, 2022. Repayment date is December 29, 2023 and Early repayment date is September 29, 2023.