Dae Won Chemical Co., Ltd. (KOSE:A024890) agreed to acquire an unknown remaining stake in Daewon Chemical Vina Co., Ltd. for $5 million in cash on November 26, 2012. By resolution of Board of Directors, $3.5 million out of $5 million will be paid in cash and $1.5 million will be partially paid for replacement of existing loan of $3.76 million. For the period ending December 2011, Daewon Chemical Vina Co., Ltd. reported total assets of KRW 15.9 billion ($13.69 million), total liabilities of KRW 18.9 billion ($16.26 million), net liabilities of ($2.57 million), sales of KRW 22.7 billion ($19.55 million) and net loss of KRW 3.5 billion ($3 million).

The Board of Directors of Dae Won Chemical Co., Ltd. took the resolution for the acquisition on November 26, 2012. The transaction is expected to close on November 26, 2012. The conversion has been made through www.oanda.com as on December 31, 2011.