On January 20, 2023, OCO Capital Partners LP announced that it has been closely monitoring decisions at CURO Group Holdings Corp. during the past 12-month period as overseen by the Company?s Board of Directors and prior management. OCO Capital Partners stated that it is deeply troubled by the Company?s operational and stock price performance over this time frame.

OCO Capital Partners stated that to address these concerns and to ensure that stockholders? interests are paramount in all decision-making by the Board, OCO Capital Partners intends to more actively and substantively engage in discussions with management and the Board, including by making suggestions aimed at improving the performance and governance of the Company, as well as enhancing the composition of the Board. OCO Capital Partners expressed its view that the size of the Board is unwieldy and insufficiently aligned with the interests of the Company?s stakeholders.

OCO Capital Partners also stated that after the missteps over the prior 12 months, it has lost faith in the current leadership of the Board and views that change is long overdue.