CSC (NYSE: CSC), a global leader in next-generation IT services and solutions, today introduced a series of position papers that provide business leaders with compelling and practical insights into key technology shifts that are transforming the enterprise.

The “Journey to the Digital Enterprise” position paper series, authored by CSC’s chief technology officer (CTO) team, explores the opportunities and business impacts made possible by next-generation technology innovation.

“In order to make better and faster decisions, today’s most progressive businesses are putting highly contextualized information in the hands of their employees, partners and clients. This demand for the right information at the right time to the right person is forcing key shifts in how information technology is delivered and results are achieved,” said Dan Hushon, CSC’s chief technology officer.

Five of the eight position papers examine transformational shifts that affect all industries, with a focus on digital application experiences, agile hybrid cloud platforms, secure digital networks, integrated digital service management (IDSM), and hyper-productive digital workplaces. Three industry-specific papers focus on digital shifts in insurance, banking and healthcare.

“Understanding and embracing these complex technology shifts is essential to successfully transforming and growing a digital business,” said Hushon. “As an independent IT services integrator, CSC has the experience, industry knowledge and proven partners to lead our clients on their journey to the digital enterprise.”

The CSC Journey to the Digital Enterprise Position Papers

CSC’s Journey to the Digital Enterprise position papers provide insights and opportunities for business leaders to successfully transform the enterprise through next-generation digital technology.

  • Digital Applications: The Key to Releasing Your Business’s Full Potential Digital applications are transforming entire industries, but dated applications must be upgraded and modernized to support digital technologies. Documented, published interfaces and cost-effective analytic computing resources can unlock data contained in legacy applications, so that it can be mined for powerful business insights, and linked to view via omnichannel experiences.
  • Cloud Platform Enables Business Agility Business developers and system operators are demanding direct, instantaneous access to infrastructure and services, as well as improved access to clients and partners. Their demands are driving the move to public clouds, which give them self-serve access to the on-demand resources they need—making IT more responsive to their business requirements, while lowering costs through automation.
  • Secure Software-Defined Networks Unlock Digital Information Connected devices, next-generation technologies and outside services are pushing traditional network architecture beyond the brink. Software-defined networks offer an agile, easily configurable solution that can be provisioned rapidly and designed at a fine granularity to adapt to changing usage patterns—yielding an information-rich experience for employees, consumers, clients and partners alike.
  • IDSM: Key to Managing the Digital Enterprise Today’s digital business processes— HR, contracts, procurement and other shared services—and multi-sourced IT solutions are too complex for traditional IT service management to handle. Integrated digital service management (IDSM) brings all the different pieces together—digital applications, cloud platforms and a modern infrastructure—ensuring that each works in concert with the others to not only improve the business, but lead it. This is crucial, because IT is now the hub through which all technology-powered business services—from marketing to finance to manufacturing to sales—flow.
  • Digital Workplace Fuels Unprecedented Employee Collaboration – The digital workplace gives employees the tools that have become a part of their daily lives at home. With the power to access information quickly, to employ self-service techniques to get their jobs done, and to collaborate with other talented individuals inside and outside the organization, employees will have the tools they need to be hyper-productive.
  • Key Shifts Mark the Path to Digital Insurance Empowered consumers, innovative competitors and new technologies are bringing massive changes to the insurance industry. Insurers must change how they view customers and channels, how they develop and deliver new products, how they service older platforms and how they maintain control over a vast IT estate that must keep pace with a changing business.
  • Digital Banking Creates Opportunity for Customer-Focused Finance – Banks can wring out savings of as much as 50 percent on run costs by integrating next-generation infrastructure with the IT architecture they’ve been building for decades. As they improve their “run-the-bank” versus “change-the-bank” spending ratio, they will be able to shift a continually higher percentage of their IT budgets to innovation.
  • Digital Revolution Enables Population Health Management (PHM) The goal of PHM is to keep a patient population as healthy as possible, minimizing the need for expensive healthcare interventions. The transition from volume to value requires an investment in new automation technologies and new ways of doing business.


  • CSC Journey to the Digital Enterprise position paper press kit
  • CSC Chief Technology Officer Dan Hushon’s Journey to the Digital Enterprise video
  • CSC’s Journey to the Digital Enterprise blog
  • Follow Dan Hushon at @DanHushon for more on the digital enterprise journey

About CSC

CSC (NYSE: CSC) leads clients on their digital transformation journeys. The company provides innovative, next-generation technology services and solutions that leverage deep industry expertise, global scale, technology independence and an extensive partner community. CSC serves leading commercial and international public sector organizations throughout the world. CSC is a Fortune 500 company and ranked among the best corporate citizens. For more information, visit us at

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