Collective Metals Inc. announced it has further commenced compilation of existing data to guide future work during its 2023 exploration program on the Princeton Project in southwest Princeton, British Columbia. The Project and surrounding area have had extensive historic work completed in the area, which has included the development and exploitation of coal, more limited work on various industrial minerals (primarily bentonite and zeolites) and extensive placer operations for gold and platinum along the Tulameen River and several of its distributors. Modern exploration data emphasized exploration and evaluation of copper-gold porphyry potential, more specifically, alkalic Cu- Au porphyries of which Copper Mountain is the best local example and the deposit model for the program.

There are approximately 35 assessment reports filed for previous tenures now covered by the current Project, with an additional 9 reports partially covered by the current Project. The total amount of assessment work recorded in these reports totals over CAD 2 million. Work documented in these reports includes, but are not limited to: Silt, soil and rock geochemical analyses, Limited biogeochemistry, Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) analyses, Limited trenching, Airborne geophysical surveys including electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric results, Ground magnetic, 3D Induced Polarization (3DIP) and Very Low Frequency (VLF) surveys, Ground radiometric (radiolytic) surveys, and Limited initial diamond drilling in the Trojan-Condor Corridor.

The British Columbia Geological Survey Branch has completed: Geological summaries of the Princeton and Tulameen Basins, 1:50,000 scale mapping over much of the Project area, both north and south of the Tulameen River, Limited Magnetic Susceptibility surveys (for comparison to the Copper Mountain mine and camp), Analyses for Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) silt samples, and Geochronological (age dating) data as part of the Southern Nicola Arc Project (SNAP). Geoscience BC has completed several projects for the Quest South survey area, which includes some of the Project area. Studies completed include: An airborne gravity survey, 3D inversion of the above gravity and magnetic data, and Additional RGS data and re-analysis.