Clarity Pharmaceuticals announced the establishment of a Center of Excellence at the Idaho Accelerator Center (IAC), a research facility operated by Idaho State University (ISU), for Targeted Copper Theranostics (TCTs). The IAC is a unique research facility operated by ISU located in southeast Idaho, US. It is the result of the Nuclear Science Application Project, providing opportunities for scientists and engineers from the University, the private sector and the national laboratories to utilise specialised nuclear facilities.

Clarity is establishing the Center of Excellence at the IAC to advance research and development (R&D) of TCTs close to a source of copper-67 (Cu-67 or 67Cu) production. This investment will enable Clarity to efficiently execute several strategically important projects, support commercial readiness of products currently in clinical development and enable the expansion of TCTs as a platform uniquely positioned to take the radiopharmaceutical sector into large global markets.