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(Stock Code: 966)

The board of directors (the "Board") of China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited (the "Company") would like to announce that the accumulated premium income of Taiping Life Insurance Company Limited ("TPL") (a subsidiary of the Company) for the period from 1 January
2011 to 31 December 2011 pursuant to "Regulations regarding the Accounting Treatment of Insurance Contracts" issued in December 2009 ("Regulation") by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China ("PRC"), amounted to RMB31,457.94 million. Such information will be released on the website of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission in the PRC at www.circ.gov.cnin due course.
Pursuant to the requirements prior to the promulgation of the Regulation, the accumulated premium income of TPL for the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011 was RMB31,956.33 million. For the breakdown of such premium income, please go to the website of the Company at www.ctih.cntaiping.com.
The information relating to the accumulated premium income of TPL is unaudited and is published for information purposes only.
Hong Kong, 13 January 2012
By order of the Board of
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited
Company Secretary
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises 11 directors, of which Mr. LIN Fan, Mr. SONG Shuguang, Mr. XIE Yiqun, Mr. PENG Wei, Mr. NG Yu Lam Kenneth, Mr. SHEN Koping Michael and Mr. LAU Siu Mun Sammy, are executive directors, Mr. LI Tao is a non-executive director and Dr. WU Jiesi, Mr. CHE Shujian and Mr. LEE Kong Wai Conway are independent non-executive directors.
This announcement is posted on the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at www.hkexnews.hkand on the website of the Company at www.ctih.cntaiping.com.
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Documents associés
Premium Income of a Subsidiary