The board of directors of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation (the Company) has considered and approved the Resolution on the Cessation of Mr. Shen Shuhai as the Non-executive Director and Other Related Positions in the Company in the meeting held on January 30, 2019, pursuant to which, the Board of Directors announced that due to attaining the statutory retirement age, Mr. Shen Shuhai ceases to be the non-executive director of the Company, a member of the Strategy and Investment Committee, a member of the Risk Management Committee, a member and the vice chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and other positions, with effect from the date on which Mr. Wen Ning officially performs his duty as a non-executive director for the fourth session of the Board of Directors. The cessation of Mr. Shen Shuhai as the non-executive director of the Company is subject to the approval by the shareholders' general meeting of the Company. On the same day, the Board of Directors has considered and approved the resolution on the Nomination of Mr. Wen Ning as a Non-executive Director Candidate for the Fourth Session of the Board of Directors of the Company" in the meeting, pursuant to which, the Board of Directors announced that Mr. Wen Ning has been nominated as a non-executive director candidate for the fourth session of the Board of Directors due to work requirement. His term of office will commence from the date of his official appointment by the Company until the expiration of the term of the fourth session of the Board of Directors, and he may serve consecutive terms if he is re- elected upon the expiration of his term of office. The appointment of Mr. Wen Ning is subject to the approval by the shareholders' general meeting of the Company. Mr. Wen Ning, born in July 1962, is a senior accountant, university graduated. Mr. Wen had served as the senior staff member, principal staff member, deputy division director, division director and office director of the Shandong Commissioner Office for financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (the MOF). Mr. Wen is currently a member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy ombudsman of the Anhui Commissioner Office for financial supervision of the MOF.