On June 3, China Energy Engineering held the ninth Party Committee Standing Committee meeting in 2024 to study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speeches, instructions and instructions, and combined with the company's actual situation, studied and decomposed them one by one, detailed the implementation measures, and clarified the responsible parties.

Song Hailiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, presided over the meeting and put forward clear requirements for the implementation of the work.

The meeting focused on studying the important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 14th collective study session of the 20th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau meeting on May 27, the Shandong inspection, and the symposium with enterprises and experts, as well as the main content of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important article 'Comprehensively Deepen Reform and Opening Up, and Continue to Inject Strong Momentum into Chinese-style Modernization' published in the magazine 'Qiushi'. The meeting also studied the keynote speech made by President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, as well as the important speeches made during the talks with Hungarian President Suyuk, Serbian President Vucic, and French President Macron.

Song Hailiang pointed out that the company's business is spread all over the world, and it is necessary to vigorously implement the concept of international business priority, continue to strengthen the efficient coordination of resources, and continuously deepen the 'three leading and one cooperation'. We must deeply analyze my country's foreign policy, give full play to our own advantages of integrated and integrated business development and front-end planning and planning capabilities, and provide more energy construction wisdom and Chinese solutions for countries and regions such as Arab, France, Hungary, and Serbia that jointly build the 'Belt and Road'. We must deepen localization and third-party cooperation, focus on hydrogen energy, energy storage, wind power, photovoltaics, large-scale infrastructure, and 'small and beautiful' livelihood projects, broaden cooperation channels, innovate development models, and contribute to the world's green and low-carbon transformation.

Song Hailiang emphasized that we should follow the requirements of the action plan for deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises, clarify the task book, responsibility list, timetable and roadmap of the reform work, always take deepening system reform as the fundamental driving force and key move, insist on solving difficult problems and new problems through reform, continuously enhance the endogenous driving force of enterprises, and enhance the ability to cope with challenges and resist risks. We should accelerate the layout of strategic emerging industries with the advantages and characteristics of 'four new' energy construction, promote the 'four major transformations', and comprehensively enhance the company's 'scientific and technological innovation, industrial control, and security support' capabilities. We should organically combine the basic '334' project with the acceleration of the construction of world-class enterprises, and systematically enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence and risk resistance of enterprises.

The meeting required that we should find the right points of integration with the strategic development direction of the six provinces in central China and Shandong, accelerate the implementation of integrated and fusion projects, and actively participate in the construction of the six provinces in central China and Shandong. We should adhere to innovation-driven development, strengthen original scientific and technological research, focus on new and future industries, carefully plan the company's 2024 'unveiling the list and taking charge' topics, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of relevant new technology demonstration projects. We should thoroughly implement the requirements of the 'Regulations on Accountability for Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks (Trial)', combine the company's actual situation, do a good job in financing risk control and guarantee risk management, properly handle PPP projects and off-balance sheet business debt risks, strengthen foreign exchange rate risk management, and carry out special governance of financial business risks. We should fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on promoting high-quality and full employment, coordinate the promotion of the 'central enterprises in action to stabilize jobs and expand employment' activities, consistently perform the social responsibilities of central enterprises, and continuously promote the 'double improvement' of employment quantity and quality. We should compare the problems reported by the inspection, formulate detailed rectification measures, solidly promote the rectification of problems, deeply analyze the causes of the formation of problem risks, summarize experience and lessons, and draw inferences from one example to solve the institutional obstacles, mechanism defects and institutional loopholes that cause problems. We must take the study and education of party discipline as an important political task of party building this year, firmly grasp the goals and requirements of party discipline study and education and the arrangements for tasks, carefully organize, solidly promote, and strive for effectiveness.

The company's Party Committee Standing Committee attended the meeting, and heads of relevant departments of the headquarters attended the meeting as observers.


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