In its latest move to simplify and democratize investing, Charles Schwab announced plans to introduce Schwab Stock Slices™, a new service that enables investors to own any of America’s leading companies from the S&P 500 for as little as $5 each, even if their shares cost more. Using the new service, which will launch to clients on June 9, investors can purchase a single stock slice or up to 10 different Stock Slices™ at once, commission-free – just like regular online stock trades at Schwab. Schwab Stock Slices will give investors the ability to sort and search companies by ticker, company name and sector. The service will also give investors the opportunity to create and purchase their own bundles of stocks based on their needs and interests. All Schwab clients also have access to a range of educational resources and research including stock screeners and Schwab Equity Ratings®, the firm’s proprietary method for rating stock performance. How Schwab Stock Slices Work: Once someone selects the single stock or collection of stocks they want to purchase, the total dollar amount invested is split evenly across each stock, and slices of shares can round as narrowly as four decimal places. For example, a $50 investment across five stocks would appear as a $10 purchase of each stock, and the order would show the number of shares or fraction of shares that $10 would buy based on stock prices at the time of execution. Schwab Stock Slices will give investors the power to build a portfolio of stocks for a small fraction of what the total price would be otherwise. For example, for just $25, an investor could own pieces of Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Netflix when purchasing one full share of each would otherwise cost a total of approximately $4,500.