CGI announced it has won a new three year, £5 million, contract with England's Environment Agency to design, deliver and run England's new Future Flood Forecasting System (FFFS). FFFS will make use of the latest scalable cloud computing, enabling the Environment Agency to produce and share flood forecasts and products with greater efficiency and effectiveness. The new system will also be easier and more cost effective to maintain and develop in light of future needs. FFFS will also improve the productivity of forecasters, through a more streamlined user experience and less need for manual intervention. Ultimately, the new system will improve the quality and lead time of forecasting products, which increases the likelihood of communities, utilities and flood risk management authorities taking more effective action to reduce the impacts of floods. The new system will also provide a nationally consistent, single system that is highly resilient and easily configurable. It will be able to quickly scale in times of flood and maximise the use of rich data analysis technologies to improve the quality and accuracy of flood forecasts whilst future proofing the system for years to come. Map-based visualisation will allow multiple sets of data to be overlaid, enhancing the richness of information available to forecasters and improving the accuracy of flood forecasting.