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Cegedim Strategic Data (CSD) ranks pharmaceutical companies' social media presence

Paris, December 19, 2011 - Cegedim Strategic Data(CSD), leading provider of integrated healthcare market research and worldwide promotional audits, has initiated a study comparing the ranking of pharmaceutical companies' spend on traditional promotional channels to their presence on two leading social media channels - Facebook and Twitter.

The analysis of social network presence was conducted worldwide for November 2011 focusing on the top 100 pharmaceutical companies in terms of traditional sales force and marketing channel spending. CSD then identified the Top 30 pharmaceutical companies for Facebook
and for Twitter based on their presence and healthcare-focused activities.

Results: Top 3 companies in traditional promotional spending

The US multinational Pfizer ranks first worldwide in traditional promotional spending, and is also present in the top spots for social media presence: third position for the number of Likes on Facebook, and first for the number of followers on Twitter.
Novartis, the Swiss multinational that ranks second in traditional promotional spending, is somewhat behind Pfizer, in seventeenth position for Likes on Facebook, and fifth position on Twitter for the number of followers.
Merck & Co is in third position worldwide for traditional promotional spending, and seems to show contrasting positions for social media activity. The company ranks tenth on the number of Likes on Facebook, while at the same time ranks number one for the number of pages. On Twitter Merck & Co ranks fifteenth for the number of followers and third for the number of Tweets.

Other companies with a strong presence

Other companies that show a strong presence on Facebook and Twitter for their healthcare- focused activities include: