On March 30, 2015, FutureWorld Corp, filed a fourteen count lawsuit in the Circuit Court in Pinellas County, Florida against several former consultants and two entities owned by such persons. The fourteen counts include counts for theft of intellectual and actual property, embezzlement, computer fraud, tortious interference with existing business relationships, and for an immediate injunction against all the defendants named to stop them from conducting any business transactions or being involved in the same business as CB Scientific and related FutureWorld entities. In the lawsuit it is alleged that these defendants purposefully stole test kit properties, plans, and attempted to derail and stall sales of test kits, all the while setting up their own businesses to compete with FutureWorld's CB Scientific, in violation of their agreements contractually. FutureWorld has sued Bill Short, Derek Lebahn, Charles Steinberg, Richard Buck, Ander Marlatt, Herbal Synergy, LLC and JCRAB Industries. On March 27, 2015, The company decided to terminated Mr. Bill Short's services to the company as the CEO of CB Scientific Inc. effective immediately. The termination was in accordance with Company policy and mainly based on facts represented in the referenced lawsuit against Mr. Bill Short and other parties. The Company does not plan to replace this position at the present time.

The Company has also terminated all contractors employed by CB Scientific in Lakewood Colorado office based on facts represented in the referenced lawsuit. The Company plans to move CB Scientific offices to St. Petersburg, Southern Colorado and Northern California immediately. The company is also in the process of
filling positions required at the Company.