Technopolis continues partnership with Caverion in Sweden and Norway - 20% energy saving reached at Technopolis campus in Oslo. Technopolis continues to rely on Caverion as its technical maintenance partner in Sweden and in Norway. The partnership, established in 2018, will continue to further focus on excellent end user experience and further execute also large investment projects, especially with a focus on energy savings.

For example, at Technopolis Fornebu campus in Oslo, Norway the new Caverion building automation system has helped to reach annual energy savings of 20%. Caverion's comprehensive service agreement includes site management, technical maintenance, energy management, and remote monitoring services. In addition, Caverion acts as an important partner in projects relating to smart technologies.

The Caverion building automation systems that was installed at the Technopolis Gårda in Gothenburg in 2022 and at the Technopolis Fornebu in Oslo in 2021 are examples of the development of the partnership.