Cartier Iron Corporation announce the start of a 2,000m, 7-hole diamond drill program at the Big Easy Gold Project in Newfoundland to test new Induced Polarization targets and follow-up drilling on the Central Anomaly where drilling in 2018 intersected a wide alteration zone which returned 0.11gAu/t and 2.65gAg/t over 180.4m. Table 1 gives a list of proposed hole locations. An additional 54.5 line-kilometres of IP surveys will also be carried out to follow-up a major new target area outlined in the southern part of the property. the total magnetic intensity that shows the two major magnetic trends at Big Easy. The West Trend extends north-northeast for 19 km and it is likely the southerly extension of the Big Easy-Central Anomaly trend. The East Trend is approximately 2 km to the east and is parallel to the West Trend extending southwards for more than 20 km. Figure 2 is a closeup map showing the locations of the planned drill holes in the new IP chargeability anomalies on the Shoal Harbour Grid and the follow-up drilling on the Central Anomaly 5.5 km to the north. The modelled chargeability is within and follows the strong magnetic trends. Figure 3 shows the area of the planned additional IP survey lines. Four holes totalling 1,000 metres are planned to test significant chargeability anomalies on the Shoal Harbour Grid. These anomalies are associated with resistivity lows flanking the east and west contacts of a broad zone of higher resistivity. The chargeability anomaly on the West Trend appears to be the southern extension of the ET showing located 2.5km to the north. Historic drilling on the ET showing in 2017 intersected anomalous gold and silver values in quartz veins but the new data place this showing at the edge of the potential epithermal system. Two new holes and deepening of previously drilled Hole BE-18-32 are planned collectively totalling 1,000 metres to test the core of the Central Anomaly which is approximately 200m wide. Previous drilling was only on the west and east edges of this anomaly which is under a bog.