CA Technologies announced that the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is using CA Automic Workload Automation to streamline its most mission-critical processes, including admissions, records, orientation, financial aid and scholarship. UTC is able to cut down on manual processes saving the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships 80 hours a week, and reducing its response time from the Department of Education from a week to a single day. UTC selected CA AWA for its flexibility and reputation in the higher education community as a automation platform to accelerate, control and provide visibility over business processes. The solution integrates with Ellucian's Banner, a software-as-a-service ERP offering used by 1,400 higher education institutions, making it easy for users to automate and schedule ongoing Banner processes without specialized expertise. The Financial Aid team automates critical tasks to run anytime 24/7, ensuring student information systems are as up to date as possible, helping the department deliver quicker responses and better service to students.