No Signboard Holdings Ltd. appointed Lim Teck-Ean as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Lim Teck-Ean ("Mr. Lim") was appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director on 10 October 2023. The Board of Directors, having reviewed and considered Mr. Lim's contribution and performance to the Group since his appointment as Interim Chief Executive Officer, as well as his educational and professional qualification, working experience, capabilities and ability to contribute to the Group and other relevant factors, approved the appointment of Mr. Lim as Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

Role And Responsibilities: The appointment is executive and Mr. Lim shall be responsible for the Group's strategic direction, corporate development and planning and investor relations. Job Title: Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. Working Experience: 2016 - 2023 Gazelle Ventures Pte.

Ltd. - CEO 2011 - 2014 GRP Limited - Director, Business Development; Professional Qualifications: University of Sydney - Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) University of Nottingham - Bachelor of Laws. Appointment Date is June 20, 2024. Other DirectorShips Past: Icon Consulting Holdings Pte Ltd. Region Supplied Sdn Bhd.

Other DirectorShips Present: GCAP Risa Pte Ltd, Singapore GCAP JV Investments Pte Ltd. GCAP Biomass (Private) Limited, Sri Lanka GCAP Renewable Energy (Private) Limited, Sri Lanka R3 Investments Pte Ltd, Singapore Gazelle Ventures Pte Ltd. Renewable Power Australia Limited GCAP Developments Pty Ltd, Australia GCAP Australia Investments Pty Ltd, Australia Gazelle Asset Management Pte Ltd. Gazelle Real Estate Pte Ltd. Gazelle Acres Pte Ltd. Gazelle Land Pte Ltd. GCAP Investments Pte Ltd. Gazelle Capital Pte Ltd. No Signboard Holdings Ltd. Singapore Chilli Crab Pte. Ltd. NSB Noodles Pte. Ltd. NSB Franchisees Pte.

Ltd. NSB Hotpot Pte. Ltd. NSB Restaurants Pte. Ltd. NSB-IP Holdings Pte.

Ltd. Dining Haus Pte. Ltd. Director Experience Details: 2011 - 2014 GRP Limited - Director, Business Development 14 June 2022 - 10 October 2023 No Signboard Holdings Ltd. - Non-Executive Director 10 October 2023 - present No Signboard Holdings Ltd. - Interim Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director.